Mobiconf 2019 has just ended. The 6th edition took place in Krakow on October 3rd-4th. Yet again, the conference brought together designers and developers from the international mobile scene. The brightest minds in the mobile ecosystem met to share insights and network. What happened at Mobiconf? Let’s take a look at the numbers. Two days of presentations and networking. Four main themes. Forty-six talks by forty-four speakers from around the world. Five hundred and fifty attendees. One all-night party.

The story of Mobiconf
Today, Mobiconf offers four parallel thematic paths: Android, iOS, UX/UI and Everything Mobile. Each path has its own focus and target group, but things have not always been this way. When Mobiconf first started in 2013, fewer paths were available. Android and iOS offered talks and presentations for programmers. Everything Mobile was there too and covered a large variety of topics revolving around mobile development in general but didn’t aim at any target group in particular. After some time the UX/UI path was added, bringing designers into the spotlight as well.
Everything Mobile path targeting business leaders for the first time
This year things changed. The focus of Everything Mobile path was narrowed down. The aim was to gather managers and business owners from the mobile industry and create a space for them. For the first time, carefully selected leaders and coaches from, among others, Zendesk, Samsung and Leaders Island spoke at Mobiconf, sharing their professional experience with the audience. The remodelled Everything Mobile path focused on different leadership skills and cases. The change was warmly welcomed and appreciated by the audience.
“We wanted to make the Everything Mobile path as targeted and specified as the rest of the Mobiconf paths. Putting its focus on leadership and business let us connect designers, developers and project managers in one place” – Aleksandra Ziętek, the organiser of Mobiconf 2019.
The winners of Top Speaker Awards
All speakers were rated by the audience in the Mobiconf app. At the end of the conference, Top Speaker Awards were awarded to the best speaker from each of the paths. The winners of Mobiconf 2019 are: Paul Hudson on iOS path, Wojtek Kaliciński on Android path, Ahmed Kamal on UX/UI path and Dawid Ostręga for his talk on Everything Mobile path.
Every year Mobiconf is organised by Miquido, a Google-certified software house based in Krakow. For further details, don’t hesitate to contact
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