Bespoke Software Development

Elevate your business through unique brand experiences delivered by a custom application development company

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Ensure complete control over your business vision with our bespoke software development services

Build a bespoke mobile or web application from scratch to provide your audiences exactly what they want. Maintain full control over your tailor-made software at every process stage: from smart product strategy and custom UI to mobile and web development that hits your business goals. Miquido will help you develop a complete, clear, consistent app while ensuring product-market fit and staying on schedule. Partner up with our teams and let us make all your business visions come true faster, better, and more efficiently – all thanks to custom app development services.

Accelerate your business with the help of a bespoke software development company

A clear company why is a silent hero of every exceptional mobile or web app. Emphasise your brand purpose while hitting your business outcomes. Adjust app functionalities, design and technical specifications to your unique requirements. Adapt to shifting industry demand or strengthen unique selling points in the most effective, reliable way. Choose custom app development services and ensure your digital product becomes an instant market success.

Boost brand awareness

Stand out from the competition with unique brand features. We will guide you through matching the app’s functions with your business goals or creating personalised interfaces based on your visual identity. Use the potential of custom app development to enhance your brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Adapt to industry changes

Bespoke app development services allow companies to use innovation in their favour – and smoothly adapt to industry changes. Leverage the potential of augmented reality, AI, machine learning, advanced analytics and blockchain to create fresh business opportunities. Reach booming markets and new target groups with scalable, future-proof custom applications.

Have control over every process stage

Be involved at every stage of application development and gain a real impact on the final shape of your product. Ensure that all cross-functional teams understand your business needs. Build a consistent, stunning application while optimising the development process and reducing maintenance costs.

Provide the highest digital security

Choose cybersecurity solutions tailor-made for your app’s technical specification, size, target devices, and industry or market-specific requirements. Implement top-notch encryption, data storage and third-party integrations practices to ensure your application is secure and compliant with relevant regulations.

Automate business processes

The ultimate purpose of custom application development services is to build a consistent product that meets both user expectations and the internal company’s needs. Design a solution with personalised CRM features, convenient CMS, and other tailor-made solutions to delight your client while automating business processes and boosting employee productivity.

Ensure seamless integrations

The bespoke software development allows combining the mobile or web application with the tech stack already used in the organisation. Ensure compatibility with your systems and tools through seamless API integrations. Add third-party services: payment gateways, cloud storage or analytics to provide the best service to your customers and accelerate business growth.

Training Hub: Mobile application for sports lovers

The idea of the Training Hub mobile app was made by a famous NBA Star and Training Hub’s owner – Ben Simmons. The company aims to motivate and connect personal coaches with sports lovers at all levels, so they can improve at their favorite disciplines and keep fit anytime, anywhere.

The mobile app users can simply search by location, choose more than 70 forms of exercise, and adjust their skill level and price. To book a session, they just need to choose a trainer based on their requirements and make an in-app payment. All sports lovers can connect, talk and leave reviews for future users.

1 st place

Product category, UX Design Awards 2023

2,5  years

of cooperation

Bespoke application development services

Unique web or mobile applications can help you reach new audiences and captivate them with your brand. Leverage the potential of enterprise software and strengthen your market position or build a new business branch. We will adapt our processes and technologies to help you translate your business needs into successful, tailor-made software.

Bespoke web application development

Fuel your company with efficient, user-centred web applications that satisfy your business and technical needs. Ensure your app is fast, responsive and accessible from any device or platform, including smartphones, desktop computers and tablets. We will take care of your web product at every development stage: design an intuitive interface, build the future-proof data architecture, integrate your app with state-of-the-art tools and services and provide ongoing support and maintenance.

Bespoke mobile application development

Mobile apps are expected to generate $935 billion in revenue by 2024, with more than 30,000 new apps released monthly on App Store and Play Store. Choose custom application development services to ensure your application stands out from the competition, and watch your profits grow! Benefit from the constant support of our experienced tech leaders and dedicated Android, iOS, cross-platform and backend development teams. Build a secure, scalable, user-friendly product that helps you achieve your business goals.

Enterprise application development

Warner Music Group, TUI, HID, Dolby, Skyscanner – Miquido is a custom application development company with experience developing enterprise-level mobile and web applications. While delivering top-notch custom apps for our corporate clients, we always take care of compliance with business guidelines, brand consistency, agile project management and transparent communication. Choose a reliable partner with the expertise and resources to have your enterprise app on time and to a high-quality standard.

Custom cloud deployment services

There are numerous benefits of deploying your self-hosted software to the Cloud. The most pressing ones are higher security and scalability for lower costs. Netflix, Instagram, Apple, Etsy, and many other global giants use cloud computing for their processes, so what’s stopping you? Whether you want to build a cloud-friendly app from scratch or deploy your existing software to the Cloud, you’ve come to the right place!

Custom Quality Assurance services

Check if your tailor-made, carefully designed web or mobile application is of the highest quality in all fields. For custom applications with many solutions written from scratch, it is worth ensuring that minor defects do not spoil your digital product’s overall reception and conversion. We will help you conduct thorough manual or automated tests to exclude any critical errors and protect you against unplanned expenses related to the repayment of accumulated technical debt.

Why choose our bespoke software development services

Globally, more than 30,000 new apps are released on app stores every month, and it’s just the mobile part of the business. To stand out from the crowd, it’s wise to leave your business idea in the hands of an experienced custom app development company. With over 10 years of experience in +350 projects, Miquido is ready to partner up with your business and guide you all the way through. Share your custom application idea, and let us help you polish it into a captivating digital product.

+10 years of experience in bespoke application development

Our portfolio of 350 digital products consists of solutions for renowned enterprises and fast-growing startups. We work across different industries, including fintech, banking, eCommerce, entertainment and healthcare. Our team of +300 software development experts with +10 years of experience in bespoke app development seamlessly handles complex projects and delivers them within the agreed timelines and budget.

All-in-one custom app development company

Miquido is a full-service custom app development company that ideates, designs, and develops data-driven apps to answer the toughest business challenges. Take advantage of our 360° services: product strategy and consulting, UX/UI design, web and mobile development, AI development and cloud deployment. Let’s create a seamless digital masterpiece tailored to the unique needs of your industry!

Transparent communication and no hidden costs

We are transparent, honest and agile to the core. While working on the software development project, we always ensure all stakeholders know its challenges and risks. Clear project scope and requirements definition, effective communication channels, regular progress reports, risk and change management and open feedback, are the pillars of the custom app development process at Miquido.

Get to know our work process

  • 1

    Scoping & estimation

  • 2

    Workshops & preparation

  • 3

    Design & development

  • 4

    Product release

  • 5

    Ongoing support

Getting to know your vision & business needs

First of all, we’d like to learn about your product idea and identify the scope of your project. For that, we gather all the crucial info about your business goals and expectations. We discuss the potential features, tech solutions and time required to deliver them. By the end of this stage, we should be able to provide you with a general development schedule and an estimated project price.

Diving into the details

To make sure that your custom solution becomes a success, we put together a series of personalised workshops tailored to your needs. Sample workshops can focus on Data, Product design, or Strategy – you make the final call. After we’ve answered each other’s questions and reached a common vision, we prepare the wireframes and the first design drafts, development requirements, as well as all the basic documentation of the project.

Turning your bespoke idea into reality

This is when your idea truly comes to life! We finalise the UX/UI designs and begin the development of your web or mobile application. Keep in mind, that every project is unique so there’s no one-size-fits-all way to tell how long it’s going to take, but as a rule it takes us up to 3 months to create a fully-functional minimum viable product – your MVP. That is the version of your solution ready to be released to the market.


Your app is ready to be released to the market! After the development is complete, the MVP is tested, and every stakeholder is satisfied, we take care of the deployment and release. As time is of the essence during this phase, we make sure everything goes according to schedule and the entire process is as seamless as it gets.

There’s more for us to do

Your custom digital product is released, but our work doesn’t necessarily end here. We pride ourselves in building long-term relationships with our customers; if you’d like to upgrade your product with some additional features over time, if there is a particular enhancement that you’d like to try out, or if you simply want us to take care of maintenance and support, we’re always happy to help! In case you choose to let your in-house team to take over the project, we’ll ensure the transition goes without any surprises.

BNP Paribas logo

They had a can-do attitude and didn’t create any unnecessary problems. It was a pleasure to work with Miquido.

Piotr Paraska, Senior Project Manager at BNP Paribas
SBAB logo

We’re impressed by Miquido’s great communication during the whole process – they are genuinely well-organised.

Alicja Magiera-BÄ…k, Hearty Foundation

Custom app development FAQ

What is custom app development?

Custom application development is also known as bespoke or tailor-made software. It refers to the process of designing software applications to address a specific need within a specific group of users. Unlike more traditional development solutions, the outcome of custom app development services are applications designed with your unique business goals and needs in mind, saving you the trouble of adjusting your operations to the offered functionality of a pre-developed software product.

Miquido is a custom app development company – meaning that before proceeding to the development process, we take our time to learn about your values and key expectations from the product you want us to create. Additionally, we base all our suggestions on extensive market and user research, so you can be certain that the selection of features you’ll receive will be the right fit.

What are the benefits of a custom application?

There’s no universal answer to this question, as the core idea behind custom app development services is that they are tailored just for you. So, technically, they could have all the benefits you require to address your current issues. But let’s be more specific.

We’ve already covered some key benefits of custom application development services, such as better resource management, higher optimisation, personalised automation, or significantly greater brand engagement. However, the list doesn’t end here! Among other things, custom app development company can help you:

  • Improve collaboration & productivity at your workplace
  • Access the required data regardless of the size
  • Secure your solution from digital fraud
  • Maximise the effectiveness of the technology you use
  • Scale with ease, regardless of the architecture
  • … and many, many more!

How much does it cost to build a custom app?

The question you probably have in mind is: will paying for the custom application development services turn out to be more expensive than opting in for a pre-developed solution? The short answer is: yes, at least in the short run.

Because in the long run, the costs of adapting to predefined software, integration, or scaling up might prove to be higher. Or it might even be that the money put into deploying this solution will be just thrown away if the software can’t meet some crucial requirements.

The bottom line is that the overall cost of a project is a highly individual matter, as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the number and nature of some specific features you want to include, the amount of people involved, the country where your software agency is based, and many others. If you are curious how much does it cost to develop a custom app, be sure to check out our blog article for more details.

Web vs mobile development: what should I choose?

Mobile applications are often designed specifically to take advantage of the unique features of mobile devices. For example, a mobile healthcare app can be created for users to benefit from a smartphone’s heart rate sensor. A web application wouldn’t have such a benefit. Moreover, web applications can’t work offline, except for progressive web applications. So if you want users to benefit from your product regardless of their internet connection, you should choose mobile application development.

Both web and mobile applications are designed specifically for a certain purpose and a certain platform, which gives you a good opportunity to save time and money as long as you know your market; i.e. if you know your audience is dedicated to iOS there’s no point in investing in cross-platform or Android development. To decide whether a mobile or a web development would work better for your business, you need to carry out market research and think through the key functions of your future digital product.

While many can argue that web apps won’t operate quite as well as native applications, mainly since they won’t be able to fully leverage the potential of a given mobile device, they are still pretty versatile. This means there’s no need to develop a web application for a specific system only. Instead, as long as it is developed with a responsive web design (RWD) in mind and your app can scale to fit smaller screen sizes, web apps have a definite advantage of working across all platforms via web browsers.

Both mobile and web applications have their pros and cons, which is why if you’re uncertain about which direction to go, it might be better to get a professional opinion. At Miquido, we have teams dedicated specifically to product design and strategy consulting, so you can rest assured that your app will hit the right audience at the most suitable time. That’s exactly why we call ourselves a custom application development company! Let’s get in touch and learn more about our custom application development services.

How to choose a custom app development company?

With fierce competition, every digital business swears to be the best. Here are some ways to choose a custom application development company that will help you succeed:

  • Check references. While quite an obvious one, many people tend to skip this step, attracted by low prices or bright visuals. Marketing is good, but try asking around on platforms like Clutch, that actually verify their reviewers and provide valuable insights on custom app development services.
  • Meet the team. Or at least some people representing the team. Your app developers will be your business partners for at least a few months – you need to make sure you’ll get along before committing to a project.
  • Consider your needs. There are custom app development companies of all shapes and sizes out there. Do you need something unique and complex or will a simple template-based app do? Are you looking for a one-stop service or is there a specific aspect of your product you’d like to work on at the moment? What is your budget? Ask yourself all these questions and more and try to find a custom application development company that fits your list the best.
  • Research them. Have an eye for a certain company already? Take a look at their portfolio and check the technology they use. You don’t need to be a guru of software development yourself, but at least this way you’ll be sure they know what they are talking about. Ask yourself if you like their style, their area of expertise, their approach to clients – all of these can become critical issues if overlooked in the very beginning.
  • Ask questions. This is the final and the most important advice – transparent communication goes both ways. A custom application development company will not be able to honestly tell you if they are the right fit for your product idea unless you share it with them. Don’t be afraid to talk, to ask questions, and to receive guidance. We always want our clients to succeed, so we can only assume it’s the same for the other agencies.

If you’re still looking for some insightful advice on how to choose the right custom app development company, follow the link and read our blog article.

Available for projects

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Partner with us for a digital journey that transforms your business ideas into successful, cutting-edge solutions.